Molds, Mushrooms, and Medicines

Molds, Mushrooms, and Medicines: 
Our Lifelong Relationship with Fungi 
By Nicholas P. Money 

Nicholas P. Money, a Professor of Biology and Botany at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, is not just an expert in mycology but a passionate advocate for the power of science. His love for science and belief in its ability to unravel the mysteries of life and the universe are the driving forces behind his research and teaching. (Faculty Directory, Miami University)

Professor Money’s book is not just a comprehensive overview of a world within a world, but a journey that unfolds like a novel. His unique writing style, filled with metaphor and occasional humor, keeps readers entertained and eager to learn more, making the book more than just a textbook.
The book is divided into two parts: the fungi that live within us and on our surface and the fungi in our environment that function in our daily lives.
The book’s structure, as indicated by the section and chapter titles, is a unique and effective way to organize the content. The variety and function of fungi, as presented in the book, is a truly fantastic story that readers will find engaging and informative.

• Part 1, Inward
       o Touching: Fungi on the skin
       o Breathing: Spores in the lungs
       o Spreading: Opportunists in the brain
       o Digestion: Yeasts in the gut
• Part 2, Outward
       o Nourishing: Molds and Mushrooms in our diet
       o Treating: Medicines from fungi
       o Poisoning: Toxins in mushrooms and molds
       o Dreaming: Using mushrooms to treat depression
       o Recycling: The global mycobiome

This book belongs on your reading list. It adds a whole new dimension (literally) to the wonder of our planet.

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