Inspirational Thoughts

Topics for Character Building

  • A Personal Philosophy – The foundation of your individual beliefs
  • Illusive Reality – The Bedrock of Good Mental Health
  • Perfecting Your Worldview – Your Relationship to the World
  • Existentialism – A Philosophy in Search of Meaning
  • Epistemology – Evaluating our Understanding
  • Eudaimonia – Aristotle’s concept of happiness
  • Stoicism – A Philosophy that Supports Good Mental Health
  • Wisdom – Apparent when Present
  • Arete – Perfection 
  • Your Full Potential – The Horizon of Your Personal Growth

36 Thought Provoking Compositions in Practical Philosophy When you are Looking for Something to Ponder



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Topics for Appreciation

  • Imagination – Escaping the Constraints of Reality
  • Potential For Everything – The Source of All of Reality
  • Aesthetic Experience – Personal and profound
  • What DNA Knows – Comprehending Biological Information
  • Water, Water Everywhere – A Convenient Coincidence?
  • The GAIA Hypothesis – A Unique Perspective on our Planet
  • Gratitude – Recognizing and Exchanging Appreciation
  • Special Qualities of Women – The Strength of Civilization 
These essays draw on the wisdom and teachings of many great minds of humanity such as Tesla, Bacon, Cicero, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Dostoyevsky, heidegger, Sartre, Camus, Murdoch, Beauvoir, Nietzsche, Kierkgaard, Dennett, Chomsky, Hawking, Turing, Darwin, Wallace, Freud, Jung, Huberman, Csikszentmihalyi, James, Hume, Descartes, Peirce, Lovelock, Senneca, Aurelius, Peterson, Vervaeke, Homer and Maslow.

Topics for Contemplation and Reflection

  • Solitude – A time for self-discovery and personal growth
  • Ideas for Introspection – “Know Thyself”
  • Dreams – The Voice of Your Subconscious
  • Stoicism
  • Existentialism – A Philosophy in Search of Meaning
  • Our Dark Side – Recognition and Control 
  • Wisdom – Apparent when Present

Topics for Spirituality

  • Virtues and the Golden Mean – The Ethics of Aristotle
  • What Darwin Missed – Wallace and the Creation Story
  • The God Instinct – An Illusive Awareness 
  • Epigenetics and Faith Healing – Emotions Driving Biological Change
  • Grounding our Moral Values – Where do they Originate?
  • Atheists – Nothing rather than Something?

Topics for Expression and Interaction

  • Writing – Savor the Satisfaction of your Creativity
  • Mindfulness and the Grocery Store – Adding Richness to Ordinary Experience
  • Free Will – A Path to Self-Control
  • In the Flow – “At the Peak of Your Abilities” 
  • Pragmatism – A Convenient Variation on Truth
  • Authenticity – Being Transparent 
  • Gratitude – Recognizing and Exchanging Appreciation 
  • How to be a Good Friend – Ends vs Means 
  • Distributed Cognition – Our Collective Understanding 

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