Human Universe

Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen

Professor Brian Cox defines this book as a “Love letter to humanity: a celebration of our outrageous fortune in existing at all.”

This book first appeared as a television series aired in 2014. The TV version is still available on YouTube for a modest cost. I chose the audio version because I had the book close at hand, with its spectacular photography and supplemental charts and diagrams.

Let’s delve into the chapter titles, a testament to the comprehensive nature of this book, covering everything from our early ancestry to our adventure to the moon, and even the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Chapter 1. Ape man – Spaceman

A journey of evolution from our early ancestry to our adventure to the moon.

Chapter 2. Why are We Here?

Brian brings meaning to our very existence.

Chapter 3. Are We Alone?

A discussion of the vastness of the Universe and an analytic approach to determining if other intelligent lifeforms exist elsewhere.

Chapter 4. A Place in Space and Time

The current opinion of our significance in the Universe.

Chapter 5. What is Our Future?

Finally, this is an extension of Chapter Four, in which Brian concludes with ideas for our various pathways forward.

Professor Brian Cox’s unique perspective, combined with his masterful articulation, takes us on an unforgettable journey through the entire human experience, leaving us inspired and enlightened.

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