The Meaning Crisis

This is a podcast with Lex Fridman hosting Professor John Vervaeke from the University of Toronto on the meaning crisis, atheism, religion, and the search for wisdom.  September 4, 2022

Professor Vervaeke is gifted with the ability to articulate clearly and precisely his knowledge, experience, and ideas. This, coupled with Lex Fridman’s mastery of the art of podcasting, makes for a superbly engaging three hours.

So many provocative subjects were discussed that I’ve elected to develop a bullet list to summarize them.

  • Meaning is connectedness to what matters to you.
  • Consciousness, what it is, and what it does.
  • Living forever.  During your life, your temporal horizon flips from events of birth to events before death, somewhere midway.
  • Panpsychicism as a possible source of immortality.
  • Recursive relevance realization, substantiating what is real.
  • Knowledge types.  Factual, procedural, perspective, episodic, participatory.
  • Agent/Arena relationship.  How effective you are in the space you occupy.
  • Non-theism, rejecting both the theist and atheist belief systems.
  • Distributed cognition, participating in a conversation, takes on a life of its own.  Unanticipated directions.  Unique incites.  An experience of flow.

These points are superficial compared to the actual discussion and don’t begin to reflect the depth of the dialog, which is so much to ponder. Don’t miss it.

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